Ball (vom Berg)

A few words about the process:

This took a long time. At the very start, we had to learn how to fly FPV drones. We practiced using a simulator for over 100 hours. FPV drones are different from the drones most people use. It's like comparing a regular car to one without any computer help. Flying them is tricky because you have to control all the axis (up/down, left/right, spin) at the same time, and it's really hard to follow something that's moving.

Then, we had to find a mountain where no one could get hurt. We went up 3 or 4 mountains but realized they weren't safe. Once we chose a safe mountain, we had to carry a big rubber ball that was 2 meters wide, along with a pump to blow it up. Someone stayed below in the valley to make sure everything was safe.

After that, we let the ball roll down the mountain. It had to go fast enough to be exciting, but not so fast that it broke and burst. What an exciting adventure!

In Collaboration with David Simon with the help of Vinzenz Leutenegger.

Link to the full video

2020, Ball rolling down a mountain

Available in the Shop