A bench must be stable on three axes so that it does not lose its basic function of providing people with a place to sit. So how can you create new and interesting forms with small changes and design decisions? WOOG is the result of a play with three-dimensionality, wedged into each other with wooden cones. Simple, stable, made of wood, but anything but ordinary. Not ordinary for us are also the place and the circumstances where the small bench was created. Rüdlingen is located in Schaffhausen, near the Rhine. The area is characterised by a lot of forest and rustic charm. Life there is easier and quieter than in the city. Originally intended as a break in Lockdown I, the days in Rüdlingen inspired an equally simple piece of furniture.

2020, Wooden bench
  • Bank 3
  • Bank 2
  • Lander
  • Woog

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